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Should Your Dog Sleep In Your Bed

Imagine yourself sleeping with your puppy in your bed and enjoying the warmth of its cuddle. You wake up every morning to two tiny quick-witted eyes laughing at you, wagging their tail gleefully. Your love keeps growing each day as your furry pet grows in size.

One crazy night you wake up startled at 2 AM as something hits hard on your face. "Ouch!" You scream! It is nothing but your pooch paw hitting you hard accidentally. You cannot even yell at that innocent not-so-little puppy anymore.

Eventually, you stumble upon the question, "should dogs sleep in your bed?"

Having a furry friend as the best companion in the world is like heaven. Although, when it comes to your dog sleeping on the bed beside you, numerous factors need to be considered. Let's start with the first concern of every pet lover "should you let your dog sleep with you?".

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Should Your Dog Sleep In Your Bed?

Sleeping with your dog indeed has many benefits. Anxiety and depression are eased. A safe and secure feeling is enhanced. The playful dog acts like a child during the day and becomes an angel guardian at night. He is alert even at a slight sound to ensure safety.

While some owners allow dogs to sleep in bed, others are more comfortable keeping them in their rooms. Moreover, if you are an asthma patient or have children at home, you should avoid dogs sleeping in bed.

In case your pet sheds fur that has skin dirt particles and clings to the surface of furniture, blankets, carpets, etc., then you should altogether avoid them in your room.

When You Shouldn't Let Your Dog Sleep in Your Bed?

  • If your dog is not crate and potty trained.
  • Has the habit of chewing bed linen, digging things, biting wood, or is quirky.
  • Is growling, snapping, snarling.
  • Is aggressive often.
  • Has health issues such as orthopedic pain, neck pain, etc.
  • If you are prone to allergies or have health issues that can indirectly affect your pet.

Regarding your health issues, some human diseases such as human influenza viruses, bacterial infections, Tuberculosis, Ringworm, etc. can also get transmitted to dogs in rare cases. Hence, you should follow a routine health check-up for yourself and your doggie.

When Is It Ok To Let Your Dog Sleep In Your Bed?

  • If your dog is potty trained.
  • If it is healthy and fit as a fiddle.
  • If it doesn't wake up frequently at night.
  • If it doesn't bark, snore, or make any noise at night.
  • If it acknowledges its sleeping spot on the bed.
  • If it is clean and well-groomed regularly.
  • If you are well-acquainted with your dog's sleeping pattern.
  • If your dog is obedient.
  • If your dog is free from allergies.
  • If you have enough space for your co-sleep buddy on your bed.

Benefits Of Letting Your Dog Sleep With You

These are some amazing health benefits of letting your dog sleep with you. We can call our pet dogs our best psychological friends.

Depression And Anxiety Are Lowered

Pets provide the social support that may be missing in life. This helps in lowering depression and boosts self-esteem. Pets add meaning and purpose to the lives of their owners. According to the study, oxytocin levels increase in adults when dogs provide sufficient love and security.

Heart Health Is Improved

Dog owners are capable of handling stress effectively due to the calming and soothing effect of dogs. This helps in reducing cholesterol and triglyceride levels which enhances heart health. Adoring and fondling cute and huggable pets can be therapeutic for many people.

You Feel Safe And Secured

Dogs are natural security providers. Being sensitive, they instantly sniff the critical situation and alert you in a jiff. According to the survey, nearly 42% of pet owners felt more secure when sharing their beds with their furry friends.

Allergies Are Reduced Later In Life

A study has shown that if an infant spends his first year with a pet, he gets protected from later allergies. They have fewer asthma issues in the future when compared to other children who are never exposed to pets.

A Strengthened Bond With Your Pet

Humans and dogs have a traditional history of sleeping together for warmth and love. Sleeping with your furry friend can ensure they are a part of the family. That helps in strengthening the bond.

Downsides Of Letting Your Dog Sleep With You

We saw above the amazing benefits of dogs sleeping with you. Now, let us also consider what can be the downsides of allowing them to sleep with you. As you know, every coin has two sides. So, let's dive into "why your dog shouldn't sleep with you?"

A Dog Sleeping In Bed Can Disturb Your Sleep

Dogs cannot always be good co-sleep partners. They tend to rotate on the bed giving you kicks and sniffing you with their wet nose. This can certainly disturb your sleep quality.

Sleeping With Your Dog May Aggravate Allergies/Asthma

You might be allergic to the proteins in the dog's dander, saliva, or urine. Study shows that touching or inhaling the particles from a dog's body can amplify or trigger asthma problems.

Dog Sleep Reactivity Could Lead To Injury

Dogs often get disturbed at night. In this case, they can snap forcibly and may harm you. You should be cautious and try to make them sleep in their own bed.

Sleeping With Your Dog Can Make You Sick

Dog skin can transfer various diseases to humans. In case you have low immunity, you can be prone to diseases. It is better to be sure of the dog's health by consulting a vet practitioner and preventing any sickness in the future.

Dogs Can Carry Parasites

Even the healthiest of dogs can carry parasites, fleas, ticks, etc. and thus can make you sick. Hence, the solution is to clean them regularly and ensure that they are vaccinated on time.

Sleep Compatibility With Your Partner

Your dog could ruin your relationship with your partner. Both should have an agreement on having a dog on the bed.

Now, you have weighed both sides. What is your take on letting the dogs sleep with you? Ultimately, the choice is yours.

We hope you enjoyed reading our blog. Please let us know in the comments your valuable suggestions and share your experiences with your pet dog.

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